Indiana Assets & Opportunity Network
Asset Building For Low- and Moderate-Income Hoosiers

Network Experts

Lisa Piercefield

Organization: Apprisen

Expertise in: Financial Education, Counseling, and Coaching, Emergency Savings, Housing and Homeownership, Foreclosure, Credit Health Education, Nonprofit Management


Bio: As the Indianapolis Division Manager at Apprisen, Lisa serves as an NFCC Certified Consumer Credit Counselor while also coordinating community engagement & outreach in the area.   Lisa is a graduate of Leadership Bartholomew County and currently leads focus groups for Bartholomew County Financial Literacy Coalition in addition to Indianapolis Asset Building Coalition. Lisa currently participates in Money Smart Week and is a 4-year member of Indiana’s Money Smart Kid Essay committee.    In Lisa’s 20 years of experience in the Credit Counseling industry she has worked with various community partners on collaborative efforts to create programs that help individuals overcome barriers and reach self- sufficiency.     Most recently, she led a committee that created a Financial Coaching/Mentoring Pilot program that partnered with Early Head Start families. Lisa is currently working on a Financial Coaching pilot project w/local employers.    Her past board experiences have included Wheels to Work, Family Self-Sufficiency & Housing Partnerships Inc. to name a few.